9-Box Grid — Meaning; Benefits, and Limitations

Abhijat Sarari
7 min readDec 28, 2023


What is 9-Box Grid?

9-Box Grid is defined as a popular strategic framework for talent management that is used to evaluate and grow an organization's personnel. It is a straightforward yet useful tool that aids in spotting high-potential workers, organizing the succession of leadership, and guaranteeing that the company’s talent is being developed and used to its fullest potential. Organizations like TechNova utilize the 9-Box Grid, a potent tool, to evaluate and prepare for staff growth and succession. Employees are assessed using this matrix according to two criteria, their present performance and their potential going forward.

Why the 9-Box Grid?

The 9-Box Grid is a strategically useful tool. Through the integration of present performance and future potential, it serves as a tool for leader identification as well as succession planning, resource allocation optimization, and talent trajectory shaping within an organization. Before getting into the specifics, it is critical to comprehend why the 9-Box Grid is important. It helps you make well-informed decisions about succession planning by giving you a visual picture of the talent landscape inside your company. It turns into an effective instrument for identifying and developing talent as it assesses both present performance and potential for the future. The 9-Box Grid holds significance since,

  • It offers a visual depiction of an employee’s performance in comparison to their potential.
  • Helps in locating areas that require improvement and talent gaps.
  • Improves the decision-making process for role changes and promotions.
  • Promotes an environment that is always growing and improving.

The 9-Box Grid Explained

9-Box Grid defines nine different combinations out of the three performance levels (Low, Medium, High) and three potential levels (Low, Medium, High) on the grid. Each box denotes the following.

  1. Low-Low: Limited potential and performance; may need support or reevaluation.
  2. Low-Medium: Good performance but limited potential; valuable for the current role.
  3. Low-High: High potential but not yet performing; a candidate for development.
  4. Medium-Low: Steady performer but with limited growth potential.
  5. Medium-Medium: Solid performer with some potential; can be developed further.
  6. Medium-High: Strong performer with high potential; possible future leader.
  7. High-Low: Excellent performance but may have reached a potential peak.
  8. High-Medium: High performer with potential for further growth.
  9. High-High: Top performer with significant potential; prime candidate for leadership.

Performance: An employee’s performance is evaluated according to how successfully they carry out their existing duties. Usually, key performance indicators (KPIs) and predetermined targets are used to measure it.

Potential Balon: Potential assesses a worker’s ability to advance and assume increasingly important responsibilities in the future. It takes into account attributes like leadership, flexibility, and learning agility.

Step-by-Step Guide to Implementing the 9-Box Grid

Implementing the 9-Box Grid involves several key steps:

Step 1: Define the Axes

  • Performance Axis: This horizontal axis represents the employee’s current job performance, typically categorized as Low, Medium, or High.
  • Potential Axis: The vertical axis indicates the employee’s potential for growth and future performance, also categorized as Low, Medium, or High.

Step 2: Assess Employees

  • Conduct performance reviews and gather data on employee achievements and competencies.
  • Evaluate potential by considering factors such as leadership skills, learning agility, and career aspirations.

Step 3: Plot Employees on the Grid

Based on the assessments, place each employee in the appropriate box on the grid that corresponds to their performance and potential ratings.

Step 4: Develop Action Plans

For each category of employees, create tailored development plans that align with their needs and the organization’s goals.

Step 5: Review and Adjust

  • Regularly review the grid and the placement of employees as they develop and as organizational needs change.
  • Make necessary adjustments to the development plans and succession strategies.

Benefits of Using the 9-Box Grid

The 9-Box Grid has several benefits for talent management and succession planning, such as:

  • It provides a simple and visual way to assess and compare employees across different levels, functions, and locations.
  • It helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the talent pool, and to spot any gaps or risks that need to be addressed.
  • It facilitates objective and consistent evaluation of employees based on clear and measurable criteria.
  • It enables data-driven and strategic decision making for employee development, retention, and succession.
  • It supports constructive and transparent feedback and communication between managers and employees.
  • It encourages a culture of performance and potential, and fosters employee engagement and motivation.

Limitations of Using the 9-Box Grid

The 9-Box Grid also has some limitations and challenges that need to be considered, such as:

  • It may oversimplify or generalize the complex and dynamic nature of employee performance and potential, and ignore other factors that may influence them, such as personality, motivation, or context.
  • It may create bias or inconsistency in the assessment process, depending on the criteria, data, and raters used to determine the performance and potential of employees.
  • It may cause negative or adverse reactions from employees, especially those who are placed in the lower boxes, and affect their morale, trust, or performance.
  • It may create unrealistic or unfair expectations or pressure on employees, especially those who are placed in the higher boxes, and lead to burnout, turnover, or dissatisfaction.
  • It may not be suitable or applicable for all types of roles, organizations, or industries, and may need to be adapted or customized to fit the specific needs and goals of each situation.

Putting it into Practice: A Detailed Scenario

Case 1:

Let’s consider a fictional company, “Balon Tech Solutions,” and apply the 9-Box Grid to three of its employees:

Employee Profiles

  • Alice Martin: Project Manager
  • Bob Lee: Software Engineer
  • Carol Hughes: HR Specialist

Performance and Potential Ratings

  • High (H): Consistently exceeds job expectations.
  • Medium (M): Meets job expectations reliably.
  • Low (L): Struggles to meet job expectations.

9-Box Grid Matrix

Analysis and Development Strategies

Alice Martin (H, H): A high-performing project manager with strong leadership potential. She should be considered for advanced leadership training and given more strategic projects.

Bob Lee (H, M): A reliable software engineer who meets expectations. He could benefit from skill enhancement workshops and mentorship programs to unlock further potential.

Carol Hughes (L, L): An HR specialist facing challenges in her role. She may need performance coaching and could be a candidate for a role realignment that better suits her strengths.

Case 2:

Meet Sarah and Chris, employees in a dynamic tech company.

9-Box Grid Placement

Sarah: Secures a spot in the top-right box — ‘High Performer, High Potential,’ indicating her prowess in both current performance and future leadership potential.

Chris: Lands in the top-middle box — ‘Solid Performer, High Potential,’ highlighting consistent performance with a high growth potential.

Functionality and Results

Sarah’s Action Plan: Tailored leadership development program, with a focus on harnessing her already outstanding performance and nurturing her emerging leadership qualities.

Chris’s Action Plan: Ongoing skill development to bridge the gap between current performance and the high potential identified, preparing him for future leadership roles.

Limitations of using a 9-box grid for succession planning

  • Nuances Beyond Grid: The grid, while powerful, doesn’t capture all nuances of talent.
  • Guard Against Bias: Objectivity is crucial; biases can distort assessments.
  • Evolution of Talent: Recognize that talents evolve, and the grid should reflect this dynamism.


When used carefully, the 9-Box Grid transforms talent management into a strategic art. It’s a dynamic instrument that helps businesses move toward a future filled with competent, driven, and adaptable leaders when paired with careful analysis and action. Using the dynamic and intelligent 9-Box Grid, firms can successfully manage their talent. Companies can make sure they are investing in the development of their people and setting themselves up for success in the future by following the above-described processes and utilizing the grid to direct development initiatives. With its extensive case study and practical insights for every kind of employee found on the grid, this example offers a clear and thorough explanation of how to apply the 9-Box Grid architecture.

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